All About Us
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We are one of the most popular out of all the other groups in ROBLOX, and probably have the most employees. We think we build fascinating places and put most Robloxians in awe of our creations. We are one huge happy family at Pinewood-and hope to grow more and more throughout the time. Our growth speed is enormous; about 33 people join every single day!
We have several divisions here at Pinewood. The manufacturing division, which makes Pinewood products. The scientific division, the mainframe of Pinewood, research, and other technology marvels. Lastly, the executive division. These are the directors of Pinewood Builders lead by noble and great Diddleshot, who has stayed with the company since it's opening in​ 2008. He was not expecting so many people to love his creations, but he made a huge change to ROBLOX, and makes his mark as a leader.
Our Stats
Leader: Diddleshot
Member Count: over 20,000 people and counting!
Places: Pinewood Space Station, ROBLOX Museum, Pinewood HQ, Pinewood Space Shuttle Advantage, and many other Pinewood-based places.
Revenue: Over 3,000,000,000 Robux and
45,000,000,000,000 Tickets!​​​​​